Although my Van is so tiny I can not hide with it at all. Everywhere I go people stop to have a closer look, take a photo, have a laugh and tell me thats the smallest camper they have ever seen. I am traveling for a few weeks now and I realised that I always get asked the same questions. Here the TOP 10 with my answers:


1. What brand is the Minivan?

It is of the italian brand Piaggio. They are famous for their scooters (Vespa).  However other japanese brands got the identical body shape. Like the Daihatsu Hijet.


2.Did you plan and build it yourself ?

Yes mostly, as it was my bachelor project I did all the planning by myself. For the construction part I had an carpenter friend helping me, so that now everything looks good and is stable as well. My lovely family and friends helped me out in some parts as well, what made building even more fun.


3.Are the two of you sleep in it? (always with big eyes)

Yes! Its been planned as a rolling home for one person for the project. Anyways I am traveling now since over two month and I have only spend a couple of nights alone in it… Different friends are joining my trip for sections. It definetly gets comfortable with a second person but still works out well. Especially in Galizia where the nights got really cold. We usually sleep with our heads to different sides so the shoulders have enough space on the 85 cm.


4./5. How fast does the van drive and how much PS does it have?

135km/h at its best and only downhill with tailwind. Mostly we are driving around 90-100 km/h. It got 64 PS.


6.How much did the van cost you ?

I got it for 1700€ of an motorcycle repairshop. They were transporting their rotten motorcycles in it. Before it has been an city vehicle in Hessen. Sadfully the TÜV put down the organge sirenof the roof. Anyways now there is enough space for a big fun softboard.


7. How much did the interior cost you ?

Mhhh I would say a bit more than 1000€ for the construcction but I also had to spend quite a bit more for some unexpected mechanic issues before I started building it out.


8./9. Diesel or Benzin? How much fuel does it need ?

Benzin and around 7-8 l /100km


10. How old is the van ?

My little TollPatscho is born in 2009. You would think of his look he is way older but he is not…. He is still young and dynamic and only just past the 50 000 km.